Welcome to Comite des Jeunes Shada de Montrouis

At Comite des Jeunes Shada de Montrouis, we're dedicated to fostering community growth and development. As a non-profit organization based in the United States, we strive to empower the youth and communities in Montrouis through targeted programs and initiatives. Join us in making a difference.


Youth Empowerment

Empowering youth through leadership training and mentorship for community impact.

Community Development

Sustainable development projects to improve community infrastructure and cohesion.

Educational Programs

Educational opportunities for all, fostering personal growth and development.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join or volunteer with Comite Jeunes Shada Montrouis?

You can join or volunteer by contacting us through our website or visiting our office. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds who are passionate about community service.

What types of programs does Comite Jeunes Shada Montrouis offer?

We offer a variety of programs focused on youth empowerment, community development, and educational initiatives, designed to address the needs of our community and inspire positive change.

How can my donations be made and what will they be used for?

Donations can be made directly through our website or by contacting us for more information. All donations go directly to supporting our programs and initiatives in Montrouis.

“Being a part of Comite des Jeunes Shada de Montrouis has been a life-changing experience. Their programs not only helped our community but also inspired my personal growth.”

- Gaelle Charles

Contact us

Reach out to us to learn more or join our cause.


Comite Jeunes Shada Montrouis
United States

About us

Comite Jeunes Shada Montrouis is a non-profit organization based in the United States, dedicated to the betterment of the Montrouis community through youth empowerment, community development, and educational initiatives. Our mission is to inspire change and foster development by engaging with local communities, understanding their needs, and implementing targeted programs designed to bring about sustainable impact. With a passionate team and a commitment to our values, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.